Friday Fictioneers – Stuck

It’s Friday again and time for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers 100 word writing challenge.

Here’s the picture prompt from Jennifer Pendergast:


It had been hours since the train stopped in the middle of nowhere.    As the desert sun beat down upon Mack and Archie’s shirtless backs, the unbearable heat was frying Archie’s brain.

While Mack tinkered with the engine,  Archie came to the conclusion that Mack had sabotaged the train.  His mind snapped and animal instinct crept in.

     Kill or be killed.

Archie crept up behind Mack, and pushed the knife deep into his meaty underbelly.

He smiled greedily.  The money was all his.

Only one thing concerned him…

… who was going to fix the train now?

(98 words)

For more Friday Fictioneers click here.

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