Friday Fictioneers – Hide and Seek

Here’s the photo prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for this week’s Friday Fictioneers (flash fiction – 100 word stories).

Thanks to Roger Bultot for the photo.

Hide and Seek

As smoke billowed out of the kitchen window, Sarah ran down the corridor to the bedrooms; throwing open cupboard doors and kneeling under beds.

“Ivi! Come out now,” yelled Sarah, “the house is on fire.”

Potent fumes and red hot flames engulfed the doorway.  Dizzy, Sarah slumped to the floor.

“Please, come to Mummy,“ she sobbed.

Two firefighters lifted Sarah by the shoulders and guided her towards the exit.

“No!” she screamed, smoke and tears burning her eyes.  “My daughter.  I’ve got to find my…”

“She’s safe,” said one of the men.  “We found her hiding behind the lemon tree.”

(100 words)

Want to read more?  Click here.

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