Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt – Never Forget

Never Forget

Standing in the cold, a young woman closes her eyes and looks up.  A pleasant glow of light warms her face, absorbing some of the chill in her bones.  Hugging herself, she remembers music and laughter filling the house with happiness, presents piled high on a table and guests dancing.

“Gather round everyone,” her dad called excitedly.  “It’s time to sing!”

So many precious memories, so little time.  Bending down, she carefully arranges the daffodils; her mother’s favourite.  She turns, eyes beginning to well.  One single tear gracefully slides down her cheek.

“Goodbye Mum,” she whispers.  “I’ll never forget you.”

(100 words)

Check out all the other Friday Fictioneers here.

Friday Fictioneers is a challenge to write a 100 word story from a picture prompt hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

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