
Hi there!

 I'm Rachel, an early childhood teacher and mother of...

I’m Rachel, an early childhood teacher and mother of…


two creative kids,

two creative kids,

living in sunny Queensland, Australia,

living in sunny Queensland, Australia,

who loves anything arty crafty and creative:

who loves anything arty crafty and creative:

 writing stories for children,

writing stories for children,

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and making gifts.

and making gifts.

I love a nice cup of tea too!

I love a nice cup of tea too!

I also have a passion for reading and strive to encourage children to read and to love books from a very early age.

Through my blog I will be sharing my crafty creations and talking about writing and publishing, picture books, chapter books and novels, authors and illustrators, writing competitions and what’s on at local libraries.

Come stroll along with me on my path to creativity!

70 thoughts on “About

  1. Your short story on kids book review was fun! Great blog, very inspiring and informative. Just launching into creating my own blog account on children’s writing and the love of all books. Any tips? Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments. Have you been sending in your stories to KBR too? That’s great that you are going to create a blog about books, writing and reading. Here are some ideas that I’ve noticed on other blogs and I think are really good. Some of the blogs have theme days so every Monday for example they will have a children’s book review then on another day they might have a poem or something and readers can add in their poem in the comment section if they want. Perhaps you will get more readers if you blog once or twice a week? I would love to do all this but don’t have too much spare time so I just blog whenever I can and sometimes it’ll be about books, other times about reading or competitions etc.
      Good luck with your blog. I will see if I can pop over and have a look.


      • Hi Rachel, yes I entered my story into the KBR unpublished picture bk award this year. It was great to receive positive feedback from them. I think I will plan to blog once a week on Fridays. I’ll let you know when it’s up! Thanks so much for your advice.


      • Hi Lyndal,

        Yes, the KBR writing competition gave great feedback. Another good one to enter is the CYA writing comp. Think it opens in Jan and closes in April. I went to the CYA conference this year (had a ball and learned a lot). I wrote about it in one of my posts. Every Friday sounds great. Yes, let me know when it’s up and running so I can take a look!


  2. Pingback: Liebster Award! I’d Like to Thank My Nonexistent Cats | Izzy-grabs-life

  3. Hiya Rachel, just nominated you for the Liebster award. You have such a creative blog and I really learning more about what you’re up to. You should have a pingback I hope! đŸ™‚


    • Thanks Sarah for your lovely comment. I’m going to a scrapbooking crop day tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have some more pages to put up on the weekend. I’m not sure about the pingback. I haven’t seen one but I’m not really sure where to look! đŸ™‚ Would it come up in my comments section?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Rachel,
    I just had to pop over to your blog after all the love you have given mine today! I hope that you survived the recent cyclone that hit Queensland and the floods that followed. It looks like you have a very creative strong creative streak. It’s so nice that you will be able to pass that onto your kids :). Hopefully you’ll be able to find some recipes on my blog in the future that you can do with them – it can be fun to cook with kids – well I think so anyway. Oh and congratulations on your nomination above ^.


  5. Hello there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you will come back and visit some more. I live across the ditch in NZ. My niece who also lived in Queensland is now living here in the Auckland University. Her parents are still back home in Cairns. Due to shift over here later. Congrats on your nomination. You have a lovely blog. .


    • Thank you! Yes I’ll be vising your blog again. I holidayed in NZ about 10 years ago. We loved it. Went skiing, bungy jumping and ski-diving. Loved all the beautiful scenery. You must be looking forward to more of your family moving back.


  6. Pingback: Liebster Award #2 | A Smith's World

  7. Hi, Rachel. You look like a lady with a bright and sunny disposition and a wonderful creative talent. It seems your children are following in your footsteps, too. I hope your writing is going well ~ your pieces of flash are great. đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Blog Tour Award! | Millie Thom

  9. Hi Rachel. I clicked on your blog from Life of an El Paso Woman’s blog party. I too am a crafter most commonly using fabric and thread but I think this site is well worth a follow. I am always looking for craft and other inspiration.


    • Hello. Thanks for visiting. The blog party was such a good idea. I need to check out some more blogs from there today. I also need to get on to some more sewing and crafting activities as I have been spending all my time writing at the moment!


  10. This is such a fantastic blog!! I came across it through a fellow blogger who is participating in the A-Z Challenge, and am so happy I did. I love the creative, eclectic feel of it and look forward to reading more!! đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Blog Tour Award | tastyniblets

  12. Pingback: Blog Tour Award | Romance Done Write

  13. Pingback: Triple Blog Nomination | A Smith's World

  14. Pingback: Share the Blogging Love. | A Smith's World

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