Perfect Picture Book Friday – The Wonder

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Title:  The Wonder

Author/Illustrator: Faye Hanson

Publisher:  Five Mile Press

Age Group: 3-7 year olds

Themes: creativity, colour, imagination, wonder

Opening Lines:  This is a boy whose head is filled with wonder.

Synopsis: This is a story about a boy who wonders:  where the birds are flying, who makes the clouds and if the lollipop lady’s sign tastes as orange as it looks.  He’s told by others to “pay attention” and “stop daydreaming”.  Then, In art class, he’s given a blank sheet of paper. The art teacher tells him… “Just use your imagination.”

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What I like about the book:  I love all the things that the boy wonders about and once his daydreams are set free, the pictures change from sepia to bright, bold, colourful drawings.  The boy uses his imagination and creativity to produce a wonderful picture for his art teacher.


* Give your child a blank piece of paper and ask them to use their imagination to draw their favourite daydream.

* Brainstorm what would happen if nobody used their imagination anymore.

* Ask – Why are the pictures in sepia at the start of the story and then colourful in the middle and end?

For more PPBF selections including resources and activities, go to Susanna Hill’s blog.

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