Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – The Other Side

It’s the 28th Challenge for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by Priceless Joy!   Thanks to Dawn M Miller for the lovely photo.

Here’s my story:

The Other Side

As Tamara jogged through the rainforest she became aware that someone was close behind her.  The hairs on her arms bristled as she felt their breath on the back of her neck.

A hand touched her shoulder.  Startled, Tamara turned around.  She glanced at the woman who had tapped her, then took a step back, scanning the area for help, if need be.

The woman, dressed in a metallic black suit was staring at Tamara and when Tamara gazed into her eyes, it was like looking into a mirror, except she had black hair, not blonde.  

Standing beside her was a young girl, about six years old.  Tamara gasped, barely able to contain her grief, as the girl resembled her own daughter who had drowned when she was two years old.

The woman spoke and Tamara was shocked to hear her own voice.  

“Follow us,” she said.

As Tamara crossed the bridge, the serene rainforest faded away and Tamara found herself in the hustle and bustle of a parallel universe.

(169 words)

Click here for more flash fiction.

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Searching

Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers and to Sonya for the photo.

Here’s my story:


No one really knows what happened to Mr Kendall, the eccentric old man who lived in the big mansion on the corner, but there was certainly a lot of speculation.

Some say the devil possessed his body and mind and he stabbed himself to death in a fit of rage.  Others say he was murdered in his sleep by his treacherous family, in order to steal his large inheritance.

They say that some nights, especially when the moon is full, you can see the ghost of Old Man Kendall, wandering aimlessly through the graveyard, his arms held out in front of him, caressing each gravestone with his bony fingers, searching….

(110 words)

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Do You Remember?

Thanks to Pricelessjoy for hosting FFfAW and for this week’s picture prompt:

Photo by Pricelessjoy

Here’s my story:

Do You Remember?

Jenny straddled her favourite chestnut, Anna, her feet not quite reaching the stirrups.  She leaned forward and nuzzled into her soft mane.

“Do you remember the two of us galloping through the fields of daisies with the wind dancing at your hooves? And how you soared over the hay bales so gracefully, with no trouble at all?” Jenny whispered, patting Anna’s strong neck and tickling her ears.

“Remember when we won our first blue ribbon for dressage at the show?  I was so proud of you.”

Jenny always thought she’d have a lifetime of hopes and dreams to share with Anna.

But after the accident, everything changed.

Tears began to trickle down Jenny’s cheeks and she quickly brushed them away.

“Daddy,” she called, “I’m ready to go now.”

Mick gently lifted his daughter down from the horse and sat her back in her wheelchair.

(144 words)

Click here for more flash fiction.  Enjoy the stories!

Friday Fictioneers – Voices

Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers and to Raina Ng for the picture prompt.

Here’s my 100 word story –


Sarah wiped her finger across the benchtop and was pleased to see not a speck of dust.

Anxiously, she opened the top drawer and was horrified to find that knives were in the fork compartment. She quickly rectified the situation, then took one last look around.  Everything was spotless, just as it should be.

Sarah locked the front door, then jumped across the gravel to her car.  Once inside she tried to relax, but as she turned the key, her heart raced and the voices in the back of her mind began to query…

Did you turn the oven off?”

Click here for more flash fiction.

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Fading Memories

Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers and Sonya for this week’s picture prompt. 🙂  I missed last week due to work but here’s this week’s story:

Fading  Memories

The frosty air nips at my cheeks and fingertips.

I rub my hands together,

Concerned that I’m not wearing gloves.

My jacket is missing too.

I stop to recollect and am paralysed with fear,

Frozen in time,

Standing barefoot on the bitter cold sidewalk,

Not knowing where I’ve been or where I’m going.

Confused, I reach out and open the door.

The shopkeeper acknowledges me with a nod.

“Forget something?” he asks.

Brown leather shoes stare back at me from the counter.

A flicker of recognition, then nothing.

My failing mind eludes me.

Memory like a goldfish.

(97 words)

Click here for more flash fiction.

Friday Fictioneers – Sold!

Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers.  Here’s the interesting (and a little bit freaky) photo prompt for this week:

Here’s my story:


The waiters buzzed around the art gallery serving champagne and canapes.  Emma took a glass of bubbly from the tray and continued examining the exquisite paintings.  Though masterpieces, she could still not comprehend how they sold for millions of dollars.

A strong force pulled Emma toward the back of the room.  The unique reptile-like sculpture fascinated her, with its intricate patterns and twisty spiny tail. Emma watched the sculpture’s psychedelic swirling eyes with amazement, hypnotised by its power.

Suddenly her hand shot into the air.

“Five million dollars,” she heard herself say.

The hammer jolted her awake. “Sold!”

(98 words)

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – New Priest in Town

Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.  Here is this week’s picture:

Thanks to Priceless Joy for the picture

The New Priest in Town

As the congregation took their seats, all eyes were fixed on Father Joshua, the new priest, who stood centre-stage, cloaked in black.  He was tall and lean, with a fair complexion and sullen expression.

Father Joshua took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet aromas within the church.

“He’ll be a barrel of laughs,” whispered Jilly to her mother.

“Let’s not make any assumptions until we’ve met the man,” she replied.

Father Joshua squinted and moved his podium out of the sunlight.  He tapped the microphone and cleared his throat.

“Gurda, Lorda, Thumba,” he chanted, louder and louder. Suddenly, he thrust his hands to the heavens. An icy gust of wind tore through the church, slamming windows and doors.

Unease rippled among the churchgoers as they nervously looked about.

Father Joshua’s baby blue eyes became deep wells of blood-red ink.   He smirked, revealing two large razor-sharp incisors.

“Today,” said Father Joshua, “I feast.”

Jilly screamed and reached for her crucifix.

“Fools!” laughed Father Joshua, excited by their bewilderment.  “You invited me in!”

(173 words)

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Life of the Party

Last week was quite hectic so I’m running a bit late with my flash fiction!  Thanks to Priceless Joy at Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers for hosting and here’s the beautiful picture that inspired my story:

Thanks Dawn for the lovely photo!

Life of the Party

Nancy was in her element, fluttering like a butterfly from guest to guest, chatting light-heartedly while serving canapes and wine.  The life of the party.

Nancy and Jack were proud of the beautifully manicured grounds surrounding their extensive estate and were always keen to host a celebration, no matter what the occasion. Nancy would spend many hours sewing matching chair covers and tablecloths and designing exquisite centre-pieces to suit each party’s theme.

In the weeks leading up to their first wedding anniversary Jack built Nancy a magnificent gazebo among the pine trees.  Over the years, as each party concluded, Nancy would stand centre-stage, captivating her audience with sweet melodies and enchanting poems.

As dusk fell, on the evening of Nancy’s funeral, Jack gently scattered her ashes under the rose bushes surrounding the gazebo.  She was right at home, forever enshrined as the life of the party.

(146 words)

Friday Fictioneers – At One with Nature

Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers.  Here is this week’s photo prompt:

Photo by Marie Gail Stratford

At One with Nature

At midnight I ran through the forest, wild and free.   My teeth, tearing at juicy flesh as I feasted on defenceless animals, stifling hunger pains and rejuvenating weary limbs.

Now, I lie on the cold, hard ground, trapped.  My naked body bruised and bleeding. The razor-sharp barbed wire swallowing my arms and legs.

Destined to perish, I close my eyes, waiting for the harsh elements to seize my body, transforming me to dust, at one with nature eternally.

If only the silo’s thick iron door had been strong enough to protect my brutal inner-self from the full moon’s mystical powers.

(100 words)

Click here for more flash fiction.

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Water Off a Duck’s Back

It’s that time of the week – Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.  Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting this writing challenge and for the picture prompt.

Photo by Priceless Joy

Water Off a Duck’s Back

As the sky turned from blue to grey, Gertrude, the eldest, was beginning to fret. She needed to guide her siblings across the river and through the thick scrub before darkness fell.

Gertrude glanced behind to check on the others. Typical.  Alfie was heading in the opposite direction.  “Alfie!” she squawked, ruffling her feathers and glaring at her brother, “get back into line right now.”

“I think we should go this way,” said Alfie, pointing upriver.

“I knew this would happen,” said Gertrude, with her wings on her hips.  “I told mother you couldn’t be trusted and would not do as you were told, but did she listen?  No!”

Alfie placed his wings over his ears.

“Well, it’s your neck on the line,” said Gertrude with her beak in the air as she headed towards the river.

While his sisters battled the strong current and the thorny bushes, Alfie legged it up the path, crossed over the rickety old bridge and was home in no time at all.

(168 words)

For more flash fiction click here.